Intensive Course For Contemporary Dance Performers

PERFORMACT is a certified course with ECTS (European Credit Transfer System) recognised by the Escola Superior de Dança (ESD).
Based in Torres Vedras, Portugal, this 2 year intensive course is created to prepare dancers with a rigorous stage performance-oriented teaching plan.
Not only will participants be able to work on their own body techniques with more than 30 professionals per year, but they will also be provided with complementary knowledge of stage production, essential in the training of the interpreter and in their perception of the scenic and performative space.
This program is spread over two years of formation, classes and creation processes.

The program runs from October to June each year, with a full-time schedule from Monday to Friday (10am - 6pm).
In the first year, participants will be in touch with several choreographers, teachers, and dancers who will share not only their technique but also their own way of perceiving the dancer and the relationship with the stage.
In the second year, participants continue following the guidelines established in the first one. There is a slight shift in focus towards fostering their independence and their ability to utilize the acquired knowledge to their advantage, there by enhancing their skills as performers and/or the choreographers of their own pieces.
Since 2016, PERFORMACT has welcomed renowned guest teachers and choreographers who work intensively with students over 3-4 week periods, enhancing their technique and fostering creativity. The course brings professionals from diverse artistic, cultural, and social backgrounds, ensuring a broad and enriching perspective on the performative field.

Alongside this curated technical course students are encouraged to develop their artistic voice through composition and choreographic lessons as well as several creative projects.
From the beginning of their first year until the end of their second students will be guided through a creative trajectory offering them a foundation in the tools needed to develop their dance practice.
This includes several performance projects in which the students are asked to choreograph solos, duets, and group pieces performed within the school and in the community.
This trajectory allows the students to explore their artistic voice and discover the world of choreography with guidance and coaching.

Throughout the two-year course, students are offered opportunities to connect with the broader community of Torres Vedras and the Lisbon area with performance opportunities in theatres and at festivals.
Students are encouraged to become involved in the production of such events and are offered experience in each aspect of the dance world. These external opportunities are developed to offer exposure to the students during their training, not only as performers in the works of others but also as choreographers with the opportunity to share their creations.
Through these real-life performance and presentation opportunities students gain experience in the dance world in a practical and guided manner, building up tools for their future careers which many other courses cannot offer.
By reaching out to the community students of Performact build a network, not only with guest choreographers, teachers, producers, and other dance professionals but also with communities and organizations who will be available to support and foster their early career opportunities.

​✔ Over 30 guest professionals per year
✔ Limited number of participants per class for personalized attention
✔ Regular public performances every 3-4 weeks
✔ Participation in festivals and professional productions
✔ Experience in stage production and event organization
✔ A strong track record of graduates working in leading dance companies as Ultima Vez, Companhia Instável and Theater Bielefeld.